Food 4 Health

Food 4 Health

Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN FOR MSME’S CROSS BORDER MARKET”/ Code. 357, cofinanced by the European Union under the Instrument for PreAccession Assistance (IPA) Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020.

Project Reference: Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro 2014-2020 “FOOD4HEALTH” / 1st call for standard project /code.357/ Order No. 8, Date 19.01.2021


In the context of the partnership in the Project  “FOOD4HEALTH” / Code. 357, Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020, the Agricultural Technology Transfer Center of Vlora has lunched the call upon their need on external expertise needed, in:

Local Civil Engineer for local needs identification and adaptation to the Building capacity for the co-design of the “Food4Health Community Labs


The complete tender dossier is attached to this call for proposal. It includes:

  1. Terms of Reference
  2. CV of participant in the tender or Key experts (including templates for the summary list of key experts and their CVs)
  3. Budget (to be submitted by the tenderer as the Financial offer using the template provided)


The tender must comprise of a Technical offer (CV and other similar contracts)  and a Financial offer, which must be submitted in separate envelopes . Each Technical offer and financial offer must contain one original, clearly marked ‘Original’, and 1 copy, each marked ‘Copy’.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their application in a sealed envelope indicating:

  1. the address for submitting tenders indicated above;
  2. the reference code of the tender procedure
  3. the words ‘Not to be opened before the tender-opening session’ and equivalent phrase in Albanian “Mos te hapet perpara fazes se hapjes se ofertave te tenderit”
  4. and the name of the tenderer.

at the following address:

QTTB Vlorë/ ATTC Vlora

Address: Bashkia Vlorë, Shamogjin, Vlorë, Albania



The deadline for the submission of the applications is 10.02.2021, 16:00 hr. Only applications received prior to this deadline will be considered.

For more information and duration of the assignment please referred to the TORs (Terms of Reference) or request the full tender dossier at the email address here given.


                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,


                                                                                                   Mëno BESIMAJ