“Sustainable and innovative Agri-food and fisheries value chain for SME’s cross-border market ”
11 December 2019; Open Public Event
On December 11, 2019, PP3 (ATTC Vlora) carried out Open Public Event according to the activities of the “Sustainable and innovative agro food and fisheries value chain for MSME’S cross border market” project; FOOD4HEALTH; Interreg IPA CBC Italia-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020. In this Public Event the
The event was followed by the intervention of:
- Aulona Veizi, Director of the Agriculture and Transfer Technology Center of Vlora presented the project, its specific objectives and the main initiatives that will be developed, illustrating the innovative services and the opportunities for knowledge transfer. During presentation were explained whole project and stages of project’s development, target groups and expected impact of project.
- As. Hajdar Kicaj, Researcher in the Marine Engineering and Technology Department of Marine Engineering and Technology ‘’Ismail Qemali’’ University, who presented an overview of the current state of the research and emphasized the interest of the University to collaborate that through this project in order to increase and to contribute in the areas of scientific research in accordance with the project activities and in the marine research.
- Sherif Durmishaj, from Fishery Management Organization, who discussed the expected impact of cooperation between fishery sector, public sector and cross border partners.
- AULEDA Local Economic Development Agency Vlore, presented the activity and impact of the FOCUS Interreg Balkan Med project which supports small and medium-sized enterprises for their economic development and exchange of experiences between partner countries. It also presented the services it offers to businesses as well as the platform that will be a liaison tool between different producers as part of the FOCUS project and local stakeholders.

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