Project: OLIVE_CULTURE. Contribution to the enhancement of olive sector by promoting certified good cultivation practices, applying precision agriculture technologies, creating innovative local products and supporting relevant SMES

Project: OLIVE_CULTURE. Contribution to the enhancement of olive sector by promoting certified good cultivation practices, applying precision agriculture technologies, creating innovative local products and supporting relevant SMES

OLIVE_CULTURE, contributes to the following key objectives of Europe 2020 Strategy: Smart growth, by supporting business services, and tourism development and sustainable growth, by promoting environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources. The project also contributes to the accomplishment 2 of the 4 thematic pillars of EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (“Preserving, protecting and improving the quality of the environment” and “Increasing regional attractiveness”) as well as in both the 2 cross-cutting themes (“Research, innovation and SME development”, and “Capacity Building”).
OLIVE_CULTURE includes deliverables that are expected to have broad and long life effects on olive cultivation in the participating areas.
The agri-business HUB’s are expected to remain operational after the completion of the project as they need minimum support from the host organizations (BP2, BP4, and BP6). The HUB’s are expected to also include various complementary activities and actions regarding other local products.
The web site of the project and the relevant web agri-business HUB will continue to operate after the completion of the project. All the deliverables and project products that can be available on-line will be stored at the site (the 3 studies as e-books, the presentations, and the videos from info-days, etc.). The studies are expected to provide information and inspiration to entrepreneurs in order to activate in table olive sector. Also, the material from the info days (sustainable agricultural practices, new processing methods, final product preparation, efficient business approaches, marketing, branding, etc.) is expected to become good practice references for local growers, processing units, and traders.
The goal of the project is that at least 2 cooperatives or social businesses to be created during its implementation period. Also, a number of growers are expected to decide to move on to small volume in-farm processing and thus get the advantage to select when to sell their olives. These are expected to be active after the completion of the project and become case studies of such kind of entrepreneurship approach. The application of integrated crop management is expected to prove its advantages and be expanded to the participating areas. The free offer of soil analysis will support the application of this quality system. The same is expected for the precision agriculture tools (hardware and software) that will be adapted to table olive culture, developed and applied during the project implementation.