Call for interest for Supply Contract within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN FOR MSME’S CROSS BORDER MARKET”/ Code. 357, cofinanced by the European Union under the Instrument for PreAccession Assistance (IPA) Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020.

Call for interest for Supply Contract within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN FOR MSME’S CROSS BORDER MARKET”/ Code. 357, cofinanced by the European Union under the Instrument for PreAccession Assistance (IPA) Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020.

Publication Reference: Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro 2014-2020 “FOOD4HEALTH” / 1st call for standard project /code.357/ Order No. 20 Date 12-12-2022

Contract title: “Machinery and equipment for FOOD4HELATH the Community Laboratory”

In the context of the partnership in the Project “FOOD4HEALTH” / Code. 357, Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020, the Agricultural Technology Transfer Center of Vlora has launched the call upon their need for supplies needed, in:

“Machinery and equipment for FOOD4HELATH the Community Laboratory”

The complete tender dossier is attached to this call for proposal. It includes:


A.    Instructions to tenderers

B.     Draft Contract Agreement and Special Conditions with annexes:

·         Draft contract

·         Special conditions

·         Annex I: General Conditions

·         Annex II+III: technical specification + technical offer

·         Annex V: forms

C.     Further Information

·         Administrative compliance grid

·         Evaluation grid


D.    Tender form for a supply contract and declaration on honor on exclusion and selection criteria (annex A14a)


For full details of the tendering procedures, please see the Practical Guide and its annexes, which may be downloaded from the following website:


We look forward to receiving your tender before the deadline set in point 8 of the Instructions. Please send it to the address given in point 8.          

The tender must comprise of a Technical offer and a financial offer, which must be submitted in separate envelopes. Each Technical offer and financial offer must contain one original, clearly marked ‘Original’, and copy marked ‘Copy’.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their application in a sealed envelope indicating:

a)         the address for submitting tenders indicated above;

b)        the reference code of the tender procedure

c)         the words ‘Not to be opened before the tender-opening session’ and equivalent phrase in Albanian “Mos te hapet perpara fazes se hapjes se ofertave te tenderit”

d)         and the name of the tenderer.

at the following address:

QTTB Vlorë


Address: Bashkia Vlorë, Shamogjin, Vlorë, Shqipëri



The deadline for the submission of the applications is 21.02.2023, 16:00 hr. Only applications received prior to this deadline will be considered.

 For more information and duration of the assignment please referred to the Contract notice and Technical Specifications or request the full tender dossier at the email address here given.






Lenda: Thirrje Interesi per Kontrate Furnizimi per Blerje “Makineri dhe pajisje për Laboratorin e Komunitetit të FOOD4HEALTH”, ne ndihme te realizimit te projektit per realizimin e projektit “FOOD4HEALTH” – ( 357) –financuar nga “Cooperation Programme Interreg IPA II CBC, ITALIA-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO, 2014-2020″.

Referenca e Publikimit:  Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro 2014-2020 “FOOD4HEALTH” / 1st call for standard project /code.357/ Order No. 20; Date 12-12-2022

Ttitulli i Kontrates: Makineri dhe pajisje për Laboratorin e Komunitetit të FOOD4HEALTH”


 Ne kuader te partneritetit ne projektin “FOOD4HEALTH”, “Zinxhiri i vlerave te qendrueshme dhe inovative ne sektorin e agroushqimit dhe peshkimit per tregun nderkufitar te MSME-ve financuar nga “Cooperation Programme Interreg IPA II CBC, ITALIA-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO, 2014-2020″. dhe me kod 357Qendra e Transferimit të Teknologjisë Bujqësore në Vlorë, shpall thirrjen e tenderit per kontrate furnizimi e linje perpunimi te peshkut te nevojshme ne kuader te projektit, si me poshte:

Blerje “Makineri dhe pajisje për Laboratorin e  Komunitetit të FOOD4HEALTH”

A. Udhëzime per tenderuesit

B. Draft Kontrate Marrëveshjeje dhe Kushte të veçanta me anekset përkatëse

  • Draft kontrate
  • Kushte te ecanta
  • Shtojca I: Kushte të përgjithshme për kontratat e mallrave
  • Shtojca II+III: Specifikimet teknike + oferta teknike
  • Shtojca V: formularet


C. Informacione të metejshme:

  • Tabela e përputhshmerise Administrative
  • Tabela e Vlerësimit


  1. Formati i tenderit per nje kontrate furnizimi dhe Deklarata e tendnerit per kriteret e perjashtimit dhe perzgjedhjes (shtojca A14a)


Per me shume detaje per procedura te  tenderimit te ndjekura, ju lutem ti referoheni modeleve te PRAG dhe anexeve te tij te cilat mund ti shkarkoni ne adresen e meposhtme:




Procedurat e Aplikimit:                          

Aplikimet duhet te jene ne anglisht dhe te permbajne, nje oferte teknike dhe nje oferte financiare, e cila duhet te dorezohet ne zarfa te ndara dhe te permbaje nje pale dokumenacion te shenuar si “Origjinal “dhe  nje kopje e shenuar “Kopje”.

 Kandidatet e interesuar jane te ftuar te dorezojne aplikimet e tyre ne nje zarf te mbyllur ku te specifikohet:

a)    Adresa e aplikantit te interesuar ;

b)   Kodi i references per proceduren e siperpemendur te tenderit

c)    Fjalet ‘Not to be opened before the tender-opening session’ dhe ekuivalentja fraze ne shqip “Mos te hapet perpara fazes se hapjes se ofertave te tenderit”

d)    Emri i shoqerise se interesuar.

per projektin FOOD4HEALTH”, ne adresen e meposhtme :


QTTB Vlorë

Address: Bashkia Vlorë, Shamogjin, Vlorë, Shqipëri



Aplikimet pranohen deri me 21 Shkurt 2023 brenda ores 16:00. Do te shqyrtohen vetem aplikimet qe mberrijne brenda ketij afati.

Per me shume informacion mbi dosjen e plote te tenderit si dhe kerkesave dhe afateve te kohezgjatjes se kontrates, referojuni Specifikimeve teknike dhe dosjes se plote te tenderit te publikuar ketu, apo kerkoni nje informacion me te plote rreth dosjes se tenderit ne adresen elektronike te dhene me siper. 


Document’s link;

c4l_tenderform_enpajisjet food4health c4o1_fif_en c4o2_lefind_en c4o3_lefcompany_en c6_openreport _en C11_PR~1 c4e_annexigc_en C4F_AN~1 C4g_annexivfinoffer_en c4h_perfguarantee_en c4i_prefinanceguarantee_en c4k_evalgrid_en a14_declaration_honour_en administrative grid_en c2_contractnotice_en C4B_IT~1 c4c_contract_en c4d_specialconditions_en food