Author: qttb

“Ekspertizë dhe shërbime të jashtme për shtypjen e Materialeve të Komunikimit”.

  Nr._________ Prot.                                                                                            Vlorë, 08.09.2021 To whom it may concern: Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND…

“External Expertise Local Civil Engineer for Project Design and Construction Supervision of the Food4Health Community Labs”

Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN FOR MSME’S CROSS BORDER MARKET”/ Code. 357,…


Date 3.03.2020. Awareness meeting was held at QTTB Vlora on the certification process according to standards, survey findings and EU policies on bio agriculture.

Agreement Act


Aplikim projekti ITAFF

Në luftë me COVID -19 Qendra e Transferimit te Teknologjive Bujqesore Vlore iu përgjigj thirrjes së BE me aplikimin: ITAFF -"Intelligent technical assistance to fruticulture farmers in new…


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      Vlore   16.09.2022   To whom it may concern: Subject: Call for interest for Supply Contract within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND…

Call for interest for Supply Contract within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN FOR MSME’S CROSS BORDER MARKET”/ Code. 357, cofinanced by the European Union under the Instrument for PreAccession Assistance (IPA) Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020.

Publication Reference: Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania - Montenegro 2014-2020 “FOOD4HEALTH” / 1st call for standard project /code.357/ Order No. 20 Date 12-12-2022 Contract title: “Machinery and equipment for…


Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN FOR MSME’S CROSS BORDER MARKET”/ Code. 357,…

Call for interest in assisting the implementation of the procedure “Machinery and equipment for the Community Laboratory” in the framework of the project “FOOD4HEALTH”

Thirrje për interes për të asistuar zbatimin e procedurës “Makineri dhe pajisje për Laboratorin Komunitar” në kuadër të projektit “FOOD4HEALTH” (Kodi nr. 357), financuar nga Programi i Bashkëpunimit…


Date: 28.02.2020 Specialists of the Vlora Center for Agricultural Technology Transfer, organized today in the premises of the Regional Agricultural Extension Agency in Tirana, open training with specialists,…


Date: 17.02.2020 QTTB Vlora has developed in SEB Fier premises Training of vegetation specialist, extensionist and farmer. This training was conducted in cooperation with the Fier Agricultural Extension…

Consultation meeting on new IPARD measures.

-Agro-environment, climate and organic farms, -Implementation of Local Action Strategy - LEADER approach, - Advisory Services.      

Days of demonstration

Date 25.02.2020. QTTB Vlora specialists in cooperation with AREB Tirana extensionist, SEB Durrës extensionist organized Demonstration Day on the forms of pruning in Olive culture. This activity took…


Pruning of fruit plants, fruit trees, vine, olive. This demonstration was organized in Shamogjin Experimental / Production Base with specialists and farmers of Vlora Agricultural Extension Sector, Fier,…

Durres Agricultural Extension Sector

On 10.04.2019 specialists of QTTB Vlora conducted training topics with specialists of Durres Agricultural Extension Sector and farmers. Number of training topics 5. The topics were aimed at…

Ekspertize per kulturen e lajthise.

Ekspertiza e kryer nga specialistë të QTTB Vlorë në bashkëpunim me AREB Lushnje dhe SEB Gjirokastër mbi problemet e prekjes nga dëmtuesit ne parcelat e fermerit te mbjella…

Ekspertize per takimet me pjesmarrje

Nr._________ prot.                                                                                       Vlorë, më 10.02.2021 To whom it may concern: Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND…


Ne QTTB VLORE. EMISION-Report Tv, Veri Jug - Coronavirusi s'e ndal dot pranverën, të dielën ora 14:30

Emision per bujqesine ReportTv Veri Jug

Ne date 21 prill 2020 ne QTTB Vlore u realizua emisioni "Shkenca ne ndihme te bujqve"

Farm Search

Dated 3.03.2020. Specialists from the Agricultural Technology Transfer Center in Vlora have set up a Farm Inquiry on "Suitability of foreign nut cultivars". The research is set up…

Farm search

Dated 5.03.2020. QTTB Vlora Specialists in Fushe-Peshtan Berat. The data continue in the experiment set up on the topic: "The impact of the use of chemical thinning with…

Field day

Date: 21.02.2020 QTTB Vlore specialists held in Dukat-Vlore a meeting and demonstration of nut culture pruning techniques.  

Field Day

In the Agricultural Extension Sector in Gjirokastra, QTTB Vlora specialists conducted the “Lajthia Day” on March 4, 2019. Demonstration of the techniques of keeping shapes on hazelnuts was…

Field Demonstration

Date: 13.02.2020 QTTB Vlora in cooperation with AREB Tirana organized Field Days on the use of olive pruning mechanics. This activity took place in Baldushk, Tirana. Farmers in…

Fier Agricultural Extension Sector

Agricultural Extension Sector Fier On February 18, 2019 QTTB Vlora specialists conducted training with specialists and farmers of Fier Agricultural Extension Sector and farmers. In this training the…

Food 4 Health

Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “FOOD4HEALTH”- “SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE AGRO FOOD AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN FOR MSME’S CROSS BORDER MARKET”/ Code. 357,…

Food4Health Project Presentation

18.11.2019 As part of the Italian Culture Week, the project “Food4Health”, supported by EU financial assistance, Interreg IPA, CBC, was presented today. This project aims to improve the…

Food4Health Project Presentation

Held today on 11/12/2019 at the Hotel International Public Open Event of the Project: Innovative and sustainable Agri-Food and Fishery chain for the cross-border SME market. FOOD4HEALTH; Interreg…

Food4Health project takim informues nr 2

Në kuadër të projektit “ FOOD 4 HEALTH “ “Zinxhiri i vlerave të qëndrueshme dhe inovative në sektorin e agroushqimit dhe peshkimit për tregun ndërkufitar te NVM-ve” u…

Food4Health takim informues nr.3

Në kuadër të projektit “ FOOD 4 HEALTH “ “Zinxhiri i vlerave të qëndrueshme dhe inovative në sektorin e agroushqimit dhe peshkimit për tregun ndërkufitar te NVM-ve” u…

Food4health takim informues nr.4

Ne kuader te projektit" Food4Health " u zhvillua takimi informues nr.4 ne ambjentet e QTTB Vlore dhe zones se Triport Vlore. Me pjesmarrjen e Ministren e Bujqesise z.Frida…


QTTB Vlore Organizon me date 5 qershor 2020, ora 10.00 ne ambjentet e institucionit. DITE DEMOSTRATIVE ME TEME: •Krasitja e gjelbër në kulturat bërthamore-pjeshkë, qershi, kajsi. •Kultivaret e…

Gjirokastra Agricultural Extension Sector.

On March 4, 2019, the training topics were developed with specialists from the Gjirokastra Agricultural Extension Sector and farmers. Topics prepared by specialists addressed issues of concern such…

Info Day

In the framework of the OLIVE_CULTURE Project, QTTB Vlora organized "Info Day" on "Management of olive fly protection with organic products". The meeting was attended by Professors of…

Info day supportin Region Vlore

OLIVE_CULTURE PROJECT   In the framework of the project "OLIVE_CULTURE" was organized today in the premises of QTTB Vlora in cooperation with the Vlora Regional Council a seminar…

Info Day supporting Partner PB4

OLIVE_CULTURE PROJECT Today in the premises of the Palace of Culture Vlora, was held the activity on informing the results achieved within the project OLIVE_CULTURE with the participation…


The  FOOD4HEALTH laboratory built by Interreg- IPA CBC funds from ATTC VLORA  will be managed by  The Vlora Fish Market, according to the bilateral agreement and the approval…


Date: 21.02.2020 TV Apollon interviewed QTTB Vlore specialists to guide farmers, agricultural specialists, extension services related to fruit crops.      

Interviste ne RTSH24

Intervistë në RTSH24 lidhur me problemet: -si po përballet sektori i bujqësisë ne veçanti në frutikulturë. -ku duhet të përqendrohet vëmendja e fermerëve në këtë sezon, -cilat janë…

Kerkim ne Ferme

QENDRA E TRANSFERIMIT TË TEKNOLOGJIVE BUJQËSORE VLORË                                                      KARTË TEKNOLOGJIKE E RE Mënyrat e reja të menaxhimit të tokës në kulturat drufrutore. Kontrolli i vegjetcionit…

Kerkim ne ferme

Specialiste te QTTB Vlore vazhdojne studimin e kerkimit ne ferme ne fshatin Fratar tek fermer me ullishte shekullore me problematiken e zgjidhjes se shkaqeve te  dështimit të prodhimit…

Kerkim ne ferme

Date 5.03.2020. Specialistë të QTTB Vlorë vazhdojne marrjen e të dhënave për zhvillimin e bimëve dhe hartimin e planit të plehrimit për fermerët ku është ngritur kërkimi bazuar…

Kërkim në Fermë

Date 10.03.2020. Specialistë të Qendrës së Transferimit të Teknologjive Bujqësore Vlorë ngritën studimin e Kërkimit në Fermë në zonën Fratar të Mallakstrës. Kërkimi në fermë do të studiojë…

Kërkim në Fermë

Date 10.03.2020. Specialistë të Qendrës së Transferimit të Teknologjive Bujqësore Vlorë ngritën studimin e Kërkimit në Fermë në zonën Fratar të Mallakstrës. Kërkimi në fermë do të studiojë…

Kukes Agricultural Extension Sector

On March 6, 2019 the training topics were developed with the specialist of Kukes Agricultural Extension Sector and farmers. Influence of hazelnut cultivation forms on production quality; Vine…

Kultivim vreshti

Specialiste te QTTB Vlore me fermere te kultivimit te vreshtave ne zonen e Libofshes.

Laboratori i kulturave in vitro.

Sot ne QTTB Vlore- 14 prill 2020. Specialiste te laboratorit te kulturave "in vitro" po punojne per: -marrjen e eksplanteve te nenshartesave drufrutore; -rigjenerimi i Screen House me…

Lezha Agricultural Extension Sector

On 8.04.2019 QTTB specialists conducted training topics with specialists and farmers. Topics covered: The role of fertilizers and persicides in plant longevity Familiarity with the characteristics of the…

Njoftim per pjesmarrje ne takim FOOD4HEALTH Project

                                                    NJOFTIM   Në kuadër të projektit “ FOOD 4 HEALTH “ “Zinxhiri i vlerave të qëndrueshme dhe inovative në sektorin e agroushqimit dhe peshkimit për tregun ndërkufitar…


Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “OLIVE CULTURE”- “Contribution to the enhancement of the olive sector by promoting certified good cultivation practices, applying…


 Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “OLIVE CULTURE”- “Contribution to the enhancement of olive sector by promoting certified good cultivation practices, applying precision…


Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “OLIVE CULTURE”- “Contribution to the enhancement of olive sector by promoting certified good cultivation practices, applying precision…


Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “OLIVE CULTURE”- “Contribution to the enhancement of olive sector by promoting certified good cultivation practices, applying precision…


Mezazhe per fermeret. Nga kontrollet e bera ne ne ullishtat e rajonit te Vlores dhe perkatesisht ne Kanine,Pusi Mezin, Bestrove, Kerkove, Panaja, Llakatund, Hoshtime, Cerkovine, Skrofotine, Trevllazer jane…

OLIVE_CULTURE Mbrojtja e ullirit nga miza.

Nje nga metodat per mbrojtjen e prodhimit te ullirit nga miza e ullirit, eshte edhe perdorimi i shisheve plastike te mbushura me solucion DAP + 1 sardele. Kjo…


In the context of the OLIVE_CULTURE Project, ATTC-Vlora started monitoring the olive fly (B. oleae) with various monitoring traps distributed on Pilot farms. From the verification carried out…

Procesi i T’harjes se vreshtit

Procesi i T'harjes se vreshtit

Prodhim fidane ulli

Sot ne QTTB Vlore filloi trapiantimi ne vazo i filizave te ullirit te kultivareve me te kerkuar ne treg.


‼️Also our project #FOOD4HEALTH is committed to smart and safe working in this emergency period! 💻 Project partners had their first web web meeting yesterday to discuss about the progress of…

PROJECT FOOD4HEALTH “Sustainable and innovative Agri-food and fisheries value chain for SME’s cross-border market”

PROJECT / FOOD4HEALTH "Sustainable and innovative Agri-food and fisheries value chain for SME’s cross-border market " 11 December 2019; Open Public Event On December 11, 2019, PP3 (ATTC Vlora)…

Project: OLIVE_CULTURE; Contribution to the enhancement of olive sector by promoting certified good cultivation practices, applying precision agriculture technologies, creating innovative local products and supporting relevant SMES.

OLIVE_CULTURE, contributes to the following key objectives of Europe 2020 Strategy: Smart growth, by supporting business services, and tourism development and Sustainable growth, by promoting environmental protection and…


Ne kuader te Projektit OLIVE_CULTURE-Vlore, filloi monitorimin e mizes se ullirit ( B. oleae) me kurthe te ndryshem monitorimi te shperndare ne ferma Pilot. Nga verifikimi i bere…


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perro golden retriever, nivel socioeconómico arequipa 2020, problemas sociales en el inicio del siglo xxi, liquidación ripley zapatillas, código procesal civil actualizado 2022 pdf, modelo de contrato por…

Renewal of plant material used for vegetative propagation of plants.

Date 4.03.2020. Renewal of plant material used for vegetative propagation of plants. The planting of pits on perlite substrate was carried out today under greenhouse conditions of QTTB…

SEB Berat.

On 25.04.2019 the specialists of QTTB Vlora held training sessions with specialists of the Agricultural Extension Sector and farmers of Berat region. Topics covered: • Protection of olive…

Skema Kombetare te mbeshtetjes se fermereve!

Ministria e Bujqësisë dhe Zhvillimit Rural dhe Agjencia për Zhvillim Bujqësor dhe Rural do të hapin aplikimet për Skemën Kombëtare të mbështetjes për fermerët 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾 👉Aplikimet do të kryhen…


Dated 5.03.2020. QTTB Vlora Specialists in Fushe-Peshtan Berat. Continuing to obtain data in the Study: "The Influence of the Mechanical Composition of Grapes on the Quality and Production…

Technical assistance

Date 24.02.2020 The QTTB Vlora team of experts monitored the olive cultivation problems in the Zadrime area - Blinisht Krajan Administrative Unit. The meeting, organized by QTTB Vlore…

Thirrje Interesi per Ekspertizen e jashtme ne ndihme te realizimit te projektit per realizimin e projektit “OLIVE CULTURE” – ( 25) –financuar nga “Cooperation Programme Interreg IPA II CBC, GREECE-ALBANIA, 2014-2020″.

To whom it may concern: Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “OLIVE CULTURE”- “Contribution to the enhancement of olive sector by promoting certified…


Ne date 16 prill 2020 u organizua trajnimi on line me specialiste te Sektorit te Ekstensionit Bujqesor Vlore ne bashkepunim me Agjensine Rajonale te Ekstensionit Bujqesor Lushnje.

Trajnim me specialiste te SEB-Gjirokaster

Në datën 17.06.2020 në ambjentet e SEB Gjirokastër u zhvillua trajnim me specialistë e fermerë me temat. -Praktikat më të mira të kultivimit të pemëve, vreshtave dhe ullirit…


In the framework of institutional cooperation in the joint work for the development of the main potentials of the territory, the Agency for Regional Development 4 (RDA4) and…